Free Download Akamai Technologies Infection Monkey for Windows PC. It is an open source platform for violations and attack simulation (BAS), with which the security center of your network infrastructure is evaluated. You can simulate different attack scenarios to identify vulnerabilities and gaps in your defense. It is a powerful instrument with which companies can proactively strengthen their security measures and prevent potential cyber threats. This monkey then tries to spread over the network by exploiting weaknesses and misunderstandings in systems and services. This helps companies understand how an actual cyber attacker can move laterally in its infrastructure and impair sensitive data. From phishing attacks to brute force tests, the platform can mimic various tactics used by cybercriminals. By executing these simulations, companies can identify weaknesses in their defense and proactively address them before real attackers take advantage of them. The resistance of firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS) and other security measures is tested by trying to avoid them in simulated attacks. This enables companies to identify weaknesses in their security infrastructure and to optimize their defenses accordingly. The platform offers real-time feedback to the success of its attack simulations, including details of which systems were impaired and how the attack spread. This information is invaluable for security teams, so that you prioritize the renovation efforts and assign resources more effectively.
- ram: 2GB (4GB or more recommended)
Download infection Monkey 2.3.0 for PC 2025 free
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Download infection Monkey 2.3.0 for Windows 64-bit
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